Riccardo Atzei
Developmental neuro and psychomotor therapist
Dynamo Academy
Riccardo Atzei is a developmental neuro and psychomotor therapist (TNPEE) and Dir® Floortime ™ therapist. He holds a Masters in Recreational Therapy and internships at Montclair State University and Rebecca School in New York. He works in various associations and cooperatives, such as NPM - Bambini in Movimento and Dynamo Camp, which is the first recreational therapy camp in Italy. Founder and coordinator of the therapy teamwork, he deals with rehabilitation, consultancy and training, both for non profit and for profit organisations. His work is aimed at health services and families, as well as at work organisations, following the achievement of the certificate program in D&I at E-Cornell University.
is speaking at:
Day 1 Panel Discussion: What wellbeing means in different cultural settings