Event Partners
Social Value Italia
Social Value Italia was founded in December 2015.
Social Value Italia’s mission is to promote in Italy the culture and practice of measuring social value at the level of the Public Administration, Third Sector organisations, philanthropic subjects and economic and financial operators.
Social Value Italia is a Joint Member Network of Social Value International.
Torino Social Impact
Torino Social Impact is an alliance among companies, public and private institutions aimed at making Torino one of the best places in the world to do business and finance pursuing goals of economic viability along with objectives of social impact in the framework of Agenda 2030.
Torino Social Impact is an open platform already gathering over 200 companies, institutions, financial operators, charities, foundation and third sector enterprises. They joined the project by subscribing a MoU aimed at sharing ideas, experiences, projects and resources in order to catalyze and attract investments and activities which aspire to solve emerging social problems through economically sustainable business models.
Our catering partner:
Fonderie Ozanam
Fonderie Ozanam is a nonprofit social cooperative that has been in the restaurant business for 33 years.
It runs venues and caterers, trains and places dozens of young people in difficult situations into the world of work who now work in established restaurants.
It is a big family, made up of stories, distant lands , anecdotes, words around the table, while sharing the smell of food and the aroma of wine.
Supporting Organisations