Davide Dal Maso
Social Value Italia
Davide Dal Maso has worked for years as a business consultant, specialising in environmental management and innovation.
Among the founders and currently CEO of the Milan-based Avanzi – a think tank for sustainability, he has focused his studies on the relationship between financial activities and sustainable development. He currently runs research and consulting activities for the design and the implementation of strategies and management systems for corporate social responsibility. He is author of several articles and books on this topic.
He is member of the board of a|impact, an investment vehicle that promotes the development and growth of innovative SMEs and start-ups whose mission is to generate a positive social, environmental and cultural impact on the community.
Davide is Director of a|cube, an incubator&accelerator that assists start-ups with high potential for creating social and green value, by providing comprehensive business support services, including back-office, governance expertise, access to knowledge and financing.
He is President of Social Value Italia, national chapter of Social Value International, an association promoting the culture and the practice of social value assessment.
He has been one of the promoters and the General Secretary (2001-2015) of the Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile (the Italian Sustainable Investment Forum) – a non-profit multistakeholders organisation whose mission is to enhance the awareness of Italian financial community on sustainability. In this capacity, he has been also member of the Board of Eurosif, the European Sustainable Investment Forum, a non-profit membership organisation promoting the concept, practice and development of sustainable and responsible investment.
Davide has served until 2011 as director and Head of SRI Department at Vigeo Italia (formerly Avanzi SRI Research), the first Italian social rating agency, providing ESG research and consulting services for institutional investors and financial professionals.
Davide holds a B.A. in law and a MSc in Environmental Management.
Twitter: @davidedalmaso
is speaking at:
Day 1 Welcome & Opening
Day 2 Breakout session: How Social Investors Create value